Amanda Hilton

The Impact of Strikers on the Lives of Our Alumni

Amanda Hilton

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family shot
team picture

I loved and cherished every second of my time at Strikers! I thrived in a competitive yet positive team environment that was fostered. I felt like I was cared for way beyond my soccer ability which was special to me. Some of my favorite memories were playing in big tournaments across the country and traveling with my teammates. We had a really special group of girls, many of which I am still good friends with.

I always appreciated the support my Strikers coaches showed me, especially with being a competitive multi-sport athlete. Everyone I met at Strikers, coaches and teammates, believed in me and had an impact on my life. I continued playing college soccer at the University of Nebraska for four years. Afterwards, I became an Elementary Special Education teacher and now a Kindergarten classroom teacher. I carry the skills that Strikers helped teach me such as teamwork, friendship, enjoyment, and competitiveness into everything I do.

– Amanda Hilton